Freshwater angelfish have been popular fish choices in homes all over the world. The scientific name for angelfish is pterophyllum, and it owes its origin to the Greek word "scalare," which literally means "like a flight of stairs." Angelfish are characterized by long fins. Angelfish are believed to have originated in the Amazon region of South America, home to a variety of flora and fauna. Angelfish can live along with living plants in freshwater tanks. The quality of water is controlled by the water plants. Water plants also help by adding oxygen to the water. Broad-leaved aquatic plants are the best when it comes to water tanks with angelfish. The chemical composition of the water should be neutral or slightly acidic, which allows these plants to thrive, making perfect companions for the angelfish in the water tank. Angelfish love flake food, though they will thrive with a variety of diets. They can survive on adult brine shrimp, blackworms, and even mosqui...