Angel Fish, also known as Freshwater angelfish or its scientific name Pterophyllum originates from the Amazon River Basin in tropical South America and from the family of Cichlidae.
The three species of angelfish have extended triangular-shaped dorsal and anal fins, round bodies, and greatly laterally compressed. This body shape allows them to hide in roots and plants floating on the surface.
Angel Fish can grow 12" tall and probably taller. They are known to have lived for at least 10 years, and with excellent care, they can probably live even longer.
They feed on macroinvertebrates and small fishes and normally form monogamous pairs. Flattened leaves and submerged log their favorites places to lay eggs, and they carefully take care of their brood.
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The three species of angelfish have extended triangular-shaped dorsal and anal fins, round bodies, and greatly laterally compressed. This body shape allows them to hide in roots and plants floating on the surface.
Angel Fish can grow 12" tall and probably taller. They are known to have lived for at least 10 years, and with excellent care, they can probably live even longer.
They feed on macroinvertebrates and small fishes and normally form monogamous pairs. Flattened leaves and submerged log their favorites places to lay eggs, and they carefully take care of their brood.
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