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Angelfish Characteristics and Compatibility

AngelFish Secrets Reveals here!


For the most part, Angelfishes can be real bullies. Being very territorial and aggressive, these fish will particularly fight with species of their own kind and sex and other related and non-related fishes that are similar in appearance, color, shape, or behavior.
The smaller Centropyge genus, medium-sized Chaetodontoplus, Genicanthus, and a few other genera species in this group do well in a non-aggressive fish community with other non-related species like Anthias', Butterflies, Gobies, Blennies, Tiles, and such.

Other larger Holacanthus and Pomacanthus genera species communes well with less-passive tank mates, such as Triggers, Hawks, Groupers, Damsels, and Surgeonfishes.

Most Angelfishes live a solitary life, but some wander the reef in small groups of two or three, usually mated pairs or trios of one male and several females. It is not uncommon for multiple males and sometimes females placed in the same aquarium to fight to the death. Overall, Angelfishes do best when kept singly, one to an aquarium, but some species make good pairs or can be kept in multiple groupings under the right conditions.

Good Communal Species:

* The Lemonpeel Angelfish (Centropyge flavissimus) makes a good pair, and a trio of one male and two females can be kept in no less than a 100-gallon aquarium.

* The Cherub Angelfish (Centropyge argi) is good for pairing, and two or more females can be kept together, but only as long as the tank is at least 50 gallons in size and they are all added at the same time.

* The Blackspot Angelfish (Genicanthus melanosis) can be kept in small groups in a larger aquarium, but only one male is present.

* The Herald's Angelfish (Centropye heraldi) makes a good male-female pair but a minimum 75-gallon aquarium.

* The Bicolor Angelfish (Centropyge bicolor) can be kept with other individuals, but only in a minimum 75-gallon aquarium, and all are added simultaneously.

About Pairing Angelfishes: So how do you know if you are getting a mated pair of Angels or two that are going to beat each other up? Apparently, when it comes to the pairing of Angelfishes, size plays a role here, and color may vary as well.

* About Sexing Angelfishes

Aquarium Introduction Tips:
Extreme dominant or territorial aggression occurs most often when an Angelfish has been established in an aquarium and a new tank mate is introduced. If you are going to add an angel to your aquarium community, it is suggested, unless otherwise noted, that it be introduced into the tank last.
If you already have an established fish community and want to add an Angelfish, one trick is to remove all the fish present in the aquarium, re-arrange the decor if possible, then place all the fish back into the tank along with the new Angelfish.

When decided to keep multiple Angelfishes in the same aquarium, it is best to choose mated pairs, angel species that commune well together or pick dissimilar species, and then introduce them into the tank all at the same time.

Other Key Factors For Success:
Providing Angelfishes with ample room to move around and shelter to hide in it allows them to better keep away from other fishes and establish a more spacious territory of their own. This all helps to lessen the effects of territorial disputes with other tankmates. Of course, as true with most all marine fishes, there are no guarantees that fights or conflicts of some kind won't occur, especially considering the aggressive nature of Angelfishes.

AngelFish Secrets Reveals here!

From Stan & Debbie Hauter


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